Team: For Hits and Giggles

Pools > Pool A

Matches are played as a continuous set with no points limit

Matches are limited to 15 minutes, with 5 minutes between matches (including the warmup)

Teams change ends every 20 points

The start and end times will be marked by a loud blast from the hooter

There are no timeouts

If the ball is in play when the time ends, the rally must be completed

If the scores are tied at the end of the match, an additional point must be played to establish a winner

Teams are allowed unlimited substitutions, and may use rolling substitutions


3.For Hits and Giggles63311611519
5.Just like yeah outside624119124-56
7.Winch Uni615114146-323
Position is decided by wins, then points for, then points difference, then head-to-head


StartMatchCourtTeam 1ScoreTeam 2Referee
10:00PAM11For Hits and Giggles1423Block-182BBG
PAM22Just like yeah outside2416Winch UniPathfinders
10:20PAM31BBG1330VollocityFor Hits and Giggles
10:40PAM41For Hits and Giggles1322PathfindersVollocity
PAM52Block-1821921Just like yeah outsideWinch Uni
11:00PAM61For Hits and Giggles1423VollocityJust like yeah outside
PAM72Winch Uni1627PathfindersBBG
11:20PAM81Block-1821327VollocityWinch Uni
PAM92Just like yeah outside2021BBGPathfinders
11:40PAM101Winch Uni2024BBGFor Hits and Giggles
PAM122For Hits and Giggles2619Just like yeah outsideWinch Uni
12:40PAM131Winch Uni1828VollocityJust like yeah outside
13:00PAM151Just like yeah outside2021PathfindersBlock-182
PAM162For Hits and Giggles2417Winch UniVollocity
13:20PAM171BBG2219PathfindersFor Hits and Giggles
PAM182Just like yeah outside1521VollocityBlock-182
13:40PAM191Block-1821927Winch UniBBG
14:00PAM201For Hits and Giggles2511BBGBlock-182
PAM212Vollocity1812PathfindersJust like yeah outside

Crossovers > 3rd/4th crossovers


StartMatchCourtTeam 1ScoreTeam 2Referee
14:30CO11Vollocity2618Serves You RightFor Hits and Giggles
14:50CO51For Hits and Giggles1423Roke NGServes You Right
CO73Mikasa2712Salisbury VetsChippy McChip Face
CO86Biggy Biggy2022PookiesBritish Gurkhas

Divisions > Division 4

Teams will play semi-finals, play-off and finals

The losers of the play off will referee the final

Final standing

1stBiggy Biggy
3rdSalisbury Vets
4thFor Hits and Giggles


StartMatchCourtTeam 1ScoreTeam 2Referee
15:20D4SF16For Hits and Giggles2022Biggy BiggyVolleyMasters
15:40D4SF26Salisbury Vets2729VolleyMastersFor Hits and Giggles
16:00D4PO6For Hits and Giggles1423Salisbury VetsBiggy Biggy
16:20D4F6Biggy Biggy2116VolleyMastersFor Hits and Giggles